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YouTube's big Trend


YouTube Marketing - Video Marketing Trends - YouTube Marketing

There does seem to be more opportunities to profit from your
business these days. Using the internet, you can market your
product to a greater number of people through email
advertising and video marketing.

Video marketing is simply the use of videos to market your
product, whatever that is. You can make the video yourself
or you can hire the services of professional agencies to do
it for you. The video may then be pasted embedded into your
email, and with the use of an email software application,
sent to your target customers.

While that has been a good way of reaching out to customers,
the video marketing trends nowadays require the online
businessman to take more advantage of the internet,
particularly the social networking and photo and video
uploading sites.

There are sites like YouTube, Flicker, and Facebook, where
you can post your videos. These sites are among the most
popular in the Web today with millions of followers,
visitors, and members. So if you want your product to be
seen by more people, these sites are the best sites to post
your video to.

Uploading videos to these sites is not a complex process.
Actually, one reason why these sites are so popular is
because it's user friendly --- even for those who do not
have enough a lot of internet experience.

If you want your business to grow, you must be able to keep
up with the trends in marketing and technology. Remember
that in the field of technology, change is constant, and so
you must not be content with just one strategy. Explore and
discover how you can make the most of the internet for your
business. Purely text email marketing was the in thing, but
there's an improved version of it in video marketing.

YouTube Marketing How to Get Your Videos Higher in Search Results

Whew! The hard work is done right? You've put blood, sweat, tears and cash into the creation of your video content and now it's up on the web. If you publish it, they will come right? Wrong! You've got some more work that needs to be done before the masses come rushing to watch your videos and the first thing you need to do is to get the search engines indexing your videos. So here are a handful of tips so get reading already because time is a wasting.

Keywords "If you don't have good keywords then you might as well quit now. These are vital pieces of information that will help categorize your videos and make them findable in search engines. When people search for video what do they do? They put words into a text box on a webpage and that's how they search. So make sure you choose specific words that correctly describe your video and then use those words in the title, description and the keyword areas when you post the video up on the web. These are the most important steps to pay close attention to if you do not do this more then likely your taking a chance of not becoming as popular with your videos as you would like to.

Video Sharing Sites "Let's face it Yahoo and Google know where YouTube is and might not know where your site is. So if you want people to discover your videos then you should put them where the search engines go. YouTube gets more people searching for videos than any other site on the web. So it's no surprise that we say you should use them, now is it? There are other video aggregation and search engines where you can specifically submit your videos to and some take single video entries while others use Media RSS files.

RSS and MRSS "Google Webmaster Tools allows you to link sitemaps so that the Googlebots can more easily find your content. RSS is generally used for standard text and image-based content while MRSS is used for media itself, and can really help boost your search results ranking. You see video, like some other forms of content, not only gets indexed separately in some respects but is also seen by certain search engines as better content. But you've got to tell them where to find it and what it is and that's what the MRSS file does.

Three simple things you can do to help get your videos noticed by the search engines. No they're not the only things you can do but are more like the tip of the iceberg. These are probably three things that you will most often see suggested by SEO people. They are not the only things you can do and others include good content that's interesting and easy to share with others.

YouTube Secrets and Marketing has become the hottest way to promote anything you have in mind. One thing for sure the higher your video ranks in YouTube the more exposure you will get Which = to the more money you will make. Visit YouTube Secrets Exposed for everything you need to know.

Youtube Video Marketing - Create Better Quality Videos Online

You know youve done it. Youre part of the YouTube generation and youve not only watched videos but uploaded them as well. Once you did that though you realized the quality of your video just sucked. You tried a variety of things and still arent happy with the quality.

So heres the skinny on what you need to do to get your videos to be all they can be on YourTube without massive headaches, expensive hardware and Hollywood-sized editing budgets. The following are the major points to take into account prior to uploading your videos.

Resolution " Lets face it, YouTube is now HD Ready like the latest LCD and Plasma televisions. So that means you need to adapt to their system in order to get them to play nice. Their native resolution? Its 720p, a 1280x720 pixels of resolution. Its HD quality, so youll need a video source that can handle it if you want HD quality videos. When you save that video for YouTube make sure you do that in 1280x720 and YouTubes compressor will love you for it and reward you with some better quality and give you the luxury of having a watch in HD link on your videos.

Bitrate " This is how much data is processed per second when your video is being created or saved. Whenever possible you want this to be as high of a number as you can get. Generally youd like it to be in the range of 6Mbps and 8Mbps. Thats so much data so that when your video goes through the YouTube compressor online, even though there might be a loss of quality, it will still retain enough to look good as it gets popped out the other side. This will make for large file sizes as well so be aware of that.

While youre thinking about the other things youve also got to think about several more things, audio is one of them. You need to have this in MP3 or AAC (44.1KHz Stereo ideally) on the track or you risk losing quality during compression and conversion. Your best bet is to set this to CBR of VBR if you have the option. Framerate is another thing you should pay attention to. To keep thinks flowing smoothly youve got to maintain a minimum of 30+ FPS or frames per second. The file format you need to have your stuff in is .mov or .mp4. If your video editing package cant handle that then youre going to want to look into one that can. Quicktime Pro is often touted as the ideal since its both cheap and handles a wide variety of video formats.

Now that youve got that all set, save your file and upload to YouTube. Having set many of your settings at or better than YouTube you are making it a touch easier for them to compress. So wait until its done and voila! You have got yourself a good looking YouTube Video.
www.youtubesecretsexposed.com is the #1 website when it comes to expert tips, tutorials, guidelines, and news about the world of internet Marketing Video online.

SEO for Firefox

SEO for Firefox.

Update: SEO for Firefox should work on any international version of Google or Yahoo! now.

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Want to learn more? Watch this video and/or read on.

Download & Installation Instructions:

  • You have to be using Firefox to get this to work. If you have not yet used Firefox go download Firefox, and then come back to this page using Firefox as your web browser.
  • If the Software Installation window is visible click Install Now.
  • If not, then:
    • See if there is a yellow bar near the top of your browser.
    • Click the Edit Options button on the yellow bar.
    • Click Allow. Then click OK.
    • Click the Install Now button.
  • As a final step, restart Firefox.

Search Yahoo! or Google to verify this extension is working for you.

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