Just about every online business is now adding some sort
of video advertising to their websites. This includes
software retailers, car dealerships, travel agents, real
estate agents, and even manufacturers. Businesses are
realizing that they can get the attention of a viewer
immediately with video as opposed to using a normal
advertisement. Let’s imagine that you have a website
that sells coats. A potential customer visits your
website and sees various pictures of models wearing
your coats. The prices are included, along with an
ordering form. Now imagine if you decided to add
videos to your website. Instead of having just a
bunch of pictures, you have a video for each coat
where a model is wearing that coat and showing
you in detail that coat’s special features. Don't
you think that would increase your sales conversion rate?
Travel Agency VideosTravel agencies are now using videos to showcase
vacation destinations for the packages that they
are currently promoting. Potential clients who
watch the videos feel as though they are taking
a trip when they take this “virtual tour”. The
video takes the viewer on a mini vacation where
they get to see highlights of the local attractions,
hotels, beaches, nightlife, and more … all
from the comfort of their home computer!
This virtual tour sparks the potential customer’s
desire; they see themselves on the tour and it
makes them want to visit the destination! The more
someone knows about the positive aspects of a
particular tour, country or vacation spot, the
more likely they are to want to book a vacation
with the travel agency to this particular destination.
Real Estate Videos Speaking of virtual tours,
many real estate companies are now using video
advertising on their websites. Instead of just
seeing photos of a home, now you can see a
walk-through tour of each room in the home,
just as if you were actually there walking
through it. A potential customer could watch the
video and see little details that they would
never be able to see in just photos.
Musician VideosIn addition to businesses and professionals using
online video advertising, many musicians are now
using online videos to promote their bands. Music
videos debuted in the 1980s and were shown frequently
on MTV. Here's the problem: it was rather expensive
to create an interesting, “creative video” for the
band. Bands who had creative videos depicting beautiful
models or something unusual were selling quite a few
more cd's than other bands that did not have the money
needed to create such videos. Back in the 1980s, it
was nearly impossible to find a decent video camera
priced less then $1,000. And, of course, if you wanted
the video to look professional you had to hire a
director and some actors as well.
Now in 2009, amateur musicians are able to use
online video advertising as quality video camera
can be bought for less then $500 … and they’re
pretty easy to use. It’s also fairly easy to
transfer the video fromthe camera to your
computer and then upload the video to your
website. If you surf around MySpace, you will
find literally thousands of amateur musicians
doing this. They just get someone to film their
act with a camcorder, upload it to their
MySpace page, and they get free online
advertising! It’s certainly a whole lot
easier then it used to be when you had to pay
out thousands of dollars to record a demo
and then find some DJs on the radio that
were willing to play your music.
Entrepreneur VideosEntrepreneurs who have items for sale are also
using online video advertising to promote and
sell their products. The best part is, thanks
to YouTube it’s quite easy and cheap to do.
You see, YouTube will let upload your video for free.
You don’t have to pay them, nor do you have to
pay for web hosting. If your video is interesting,
it is quite possible to get over 100K views! It’s a
pretty simple process:
1. Create a funny/creative/interesting/weird video.
2. Mention your website in your video.
3. Upload it to YouTube.
4. Enjoy the traffic!